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Debit Cards

Visa Debit Card

Simplify your life with the Cross Keys Bank Visa Debit Card. 

Use your Visa® Debit Card to pay for purchases at millions of locations where Visa is accepted. Get cash at thousands of ATM locations where Visa is accepted.

Check out the benefits of having a CKB Visa Debit Card:
  • The money is automatically debited from your Cross Keys Bank checking account.
  • Purchases and withdrawals are recorded on your account statement by individual card number.
  • Pay no annual or monthly fees.
  • Access up to $500 a day at the ATM and spend up to $4,000 a day on debit purchases.*
  • Enroll in Card Suite Lite to control your debit card directly from your smartphone.

*Limits can be temporarily raised for large withdrawals and purchases by calling your local branch.

Health Saving Account Debit Card

With your Cross Keys Bank Health Savings Account Visa Debit Card, as long as your account balance is sufficient, you can use your card to pay for qualified medical expenses.
Using Your Card 

Activate your card when you receive it. It will arrive in the mail 7 to 10 days after your HSA is opened. Once your card is activated, you can use your Visa Debit Card three ways:

  • Pay for doctor's office visits at the time of the appointment or for qualified items at the pharmacy or other retailer.
  • Write in your card information when you get a bill if the biller accepts cards with the Visa acceptance mark.
  • Withdraw cash from an ATM to reimburse yourself for expenses you paid for out-of-pocket.


Activate Your CKB Visa Debit Card by calling 1-866-633-5293 from a phone number on file at Cross Keys Bank.

Disputed Charges

If you have unauthorized charges on your card, please call your local branch or submit a secure message via Online Banking in order to dispute the transactions. Common reasons for disputed charges include:

  • Your card was stolen and used for unauthorized purchases.
  • The charges on your statement differ from what was billed by the merchant.
  • You did not receive the products or services you purchased with your card.

Lost or Stolen Card

If you think your Cross Keys Bank Debit Card has been lost or stolen, please let us know immediately. During business hours call the main branch at (318) 766-3246 or (888) 766-3246. After business hours and on weekends, call (800) 500-1044.

If you think your Cross Keys Bank Credit Card has been lost or stolen, please notify the card issuer immediately at (800) 367-7576.


Q: What is Card Suite Lite?
A: A free App that can be installed on your smartphone (Apple or Android) that will allow you to control your debit card with the touch of your finger. With Card Suite Lite, you are able to manage your own preferences. You can restrict your card from being used for Internet purchases, set dollar limits, restrict use outside a certain region, or even restrict use from certain types of merchants. You can block all usage because you misplaced your card. Once the card is located, you can turn the card back on.

Q: Are there daily monetary limits my debit card?
A: Yes, the standard daily limits for debit cards are $500.00 ATM cash withdrawal and $4,000.00 point of sale. 

Q: How can I increase my debit card limits?
A: Limits can be temporarily raised for large withdrawals and purchases by calling 1-888-766-3246, by contacting your local branch or submitting a Secure Message via Online Banking.

Q: What is the best way to monitor and control my debit debit card?
A: Install our Card Suite Lite App (Apple and Android). This app allows you to take control of your debit card directly from your smartphone. If you are providing a debit card to high school or college students you can, setup alerts and monitor transactions directly from the app. Do you have employees that need cards, but you don't want the risk of the cards being used all of the time? You are able to turn the card off until you approve a purchase. 

Q: What are Fraud Alerts?
A: Cross Keys Bank utilizes a fraud detection system called Falcon Fraud in association with Card Suite Lite. You may receive an SMS text, email, a letter in the mail or phone call from a toll free number. Card Suite Lite Fraud will identify themselves as Cross Keys Bank and ask you to verify transactions made on your Cross Keys Bank Debit Card. If you do not answer calls from Falcon Fraud your debit card may be temporarily blocked until the transactions can be verified. 

Q: Why would my debit card be declined at a merchant?
A: Your transaction can be declined for multiple reasons: Examples include: 1) you exceed your daily limit 2) you do not use the address and zip code associated with the account, the transaction with not be processed 3) you are attempting to make a purchase in a foreign country via Internet or Phone. 4) you have not responded to a Card Suite Lite Fraud text, email or call, the transaction will be declined.

Q: Should I alert Cross Keys Bank if I am traveling and plan on using my debit card?
A: Please let Cross Keys Bank know if you plan on traveling and will be using your debit card. If Cross Keys Bank knows when and where you are traveling it will help Card Suite Lite Fraud verify your transactions.

Debit Card Travel Alert

Q: How do I request a new Personal Identification Number (PIN)?
A: If you should forget or lose your PIN and need a new PIN number, please contact us immediately at 1-888-766-3246 or visit your local branch.

Q: My debit card is going to expire soon. Do I need to do anything?
A: You should receive your new debit card in the mail about two weeks before your current card expires. Your current card is good through the last day of the expiration month that appears on the front of your card. If you do not receive your new card please call us at 1-888-766-3246.

mobile check
Mobile Check Deposits

You have the ability to deposit money anytime of the day. We have you on our mind with Mobile Check Deposits. Learn More.